Transport to / from work only by mileage
Deduction of VAT for electric vehicles
Abolition of paper accounting
Cloud computing
Investing in Big Data and AI
Comparing the savings of investing in an electric vehicle versus a fossil fuel vehicle
Amendment to the Companies Act (ZGD-1K)
Foreign shareholders need more proof of no criminal record in home country
Compulsory entry of e-mails in the court and commercial register
Higher taxation of s.p. and transitional year 2025
VAT records from 1.7.2025
VAT group
Electric car bonus from 2030
Daily labour migrants to Austria
Employment contract with a foreign employer; work is carried out in Slovenia
Carrying out construction work in Germany from the point of view of registration with SOKA-BAU
Business unit of foreign companies in Slovenia
Business unit of a Slovenian construction company in Germany
Special scheme for the international carriage of passengers by road
New income tax scale and allowances for 2015
Minimum wage 2015
E: / T: 059 071 706 /